T.U.G. (Turn Up your G.L.O.W.)
Tuesdays- Every 3rd Tuesday 8-9:15p.m. Eastern via Zoom
A monthly support gathering of the Soulas Sisterhood Network. G.L.O.W. is an acronym for “GRATEFULLY LIVING AND OWNING MY WORTH”. The purpose of T.U.G. Tuesday is to provide T.U.G. Tips to help you maintain your G.L.O.W. regardless of what you may be dealing with. To join us, register at Eventbrite.
Open to all.
Soulas Virtual Voyage to Paradise
If money were no object, what would you do? Where would you go? Visualize taking off on The Soulas’ virtual private jet, leaving the current challenges behind. Then luxuriating on our virtual private tropical paradise! Sound enticing? Then join Soulas to recapture your joy!
Be motivated and supported to pursue your dreams and rediscover your joy.
Participate in self-reflective work in a safe, sacred space.
Be equipped with Self-care tools to keep ‘your cup full’!
In other words…Ready, Set, G.L.O.W.!
Open to all.
Soulas High T.E.A.
Ready to achieve your goals ? Then get your fascinator ready and take your seat at the virtual Soulas High T.E.A.! (T.E.A. = Thoughts + Emotion + Action = Demonstration).
If you are ready to continue building a life that is truly AMAZING, come to this 2-hour virtual event and:
Take time to center and celebrate Yourself.
Learn to live your life with optimism and enthusiasm.
Rise above all that holds you back.
Uncover and claim the longings of your soul.
Open to all.
Soulas was on the Emotional Roadmap show.
Soulas appeared on the “Emotional Roadmap…” radio program on WPKN-FM. Two women also shared their experiences as members of the Soulas Sisterhood Network.
Click here to watch this lively conversation on sisterhood as a catalyst for transformation.
Sisterhood is a Funny Thing: A guest post on the Beth Gibbs newsletter.
Soulas contributed the article “Sisterhood is a Funny Thing” in a blog appearing in the Beth Gibbs newsletter.
Soulas affirms ”I am not my sister’s keeper. I am my sister!”
(Iyanla Vanzant)
Soulas recognizes the importance of creative approaches to mental health.
Dr. Caroline Volel, a Soulas Sisterhood Network member, published an article entitled “Psychoanalysis in the Community”, encouraging bringing the “psychoanalytic compassion model” to underserved communities. Compassion and love for self and others and recognizing self in others is of primary importance.
Celebrating Sisterhood
Sisters support Sisters to stay focused on ‘birthing the longings of their Soul!
(Participants in Soulas retreats are given attribute names to support them in their personal growth).
... A note to GRATITUDE, one of my accountability partners, who has written me and many others for years… “Much Love, Gratitude, Thank you so much for all of your words and for allowing me to share. Your words are an integral part of my health and well-being. CalmNESS”
“Soulas... a unique sisterhood to reach individuals of all backgrounds and experiences with the express goal of supporting women to reach their best lives…” Kindness
‘ I AM JOY’...
A 30-second Commercial- Soulas Activity
by Willingness and Precious
‘... as we experience (Joy) in our beings.’©
“Joy is a feeling of ULTIMATE fulfillment of which mere words can not adequately describe. Joy is RISING...higher, HIGHer and yet HIGHER! Joy smells like the soft scent of musk oil (deep inhale) ever so faint yet pleasantly lingering endlessly. Joy tastes like a mouthful of your first irresistible love on a moonlit night. Joy sounds like melodic music pleasantly playing in your peaceful mind. Joy is free flowing movement danced on fine soft warm sand on a breezy spring evening. Joy is FREE!! You get some joy, you get some joy, you get some joy!! There’s no application to fill out, or restriction on the quantity. Joy is for everyone!!” ©
International Sister Connection
“Every Sunday Understanding [California] begins our chat with "Good Morning", Mindfulness [New York] fills us with "Good Afternoon", while Intuition [England] wraps us up with "Good Evening". We chat from 3 different time zones, to cheer each other on, inspire confidence and connectivity through our varied experiences. It has been wonderful to chat each week learning that we are never alone and even strangers can become friends in-kind.” Intuition
Sisterhood is Power! Claim it! Do it!
“ My journey, thus far with Soulas, has been one of surprising connectivity. The organizers have been quite innovative and kept the experiences meaningful while entertaining”
A Message from Soulas Founders
The Journey is Fun!
Our member memories